Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Do you ever feel like you are stuck just waiting for life to happen around you?

Today, I waited all day for a plumber to gouge me for a repair. While waiting on him, I was also waiting in the Texas heat for my client to remember we had an appointment.  I waited for my mail order pie to arrive or the store owner to even return my call.   This pie was ordered almost a month ago.  I waited for my daughter to decide she wanted to get out of the car so that we could eat dinner in peace and I did not have to deal with the tantrum that comes with physically dragging her out.

Many argue that to live is to grab life and hold on.  Make choices, take initiative.  All that jazz.  Me?  I am kind of a control freak.  I like to make things happen and move on.  I call the pie lady again, and actually get to hear another salesman in the background say very irritatedly, "Ugh, that lady is calling again?  I just talked to her."  I call and address the plumbing issue, and learn the dishwasher is broken, too. I yank my daughter out of the car, and eat dinner while wearing headphones.

Life is just too short, right?


  1. Ok, this is the 4th time I've tried to leave a comment, gotta love shooting in nowhere California with no internets. Amanda, you rock. You're a rock as well. I promise I'll be back soon and you can finally sleep... Till then, keep taking names baby.

  2. aaaaw! Loved your post, Amanda, but Matt's comment made me teary. I agree totally with him, too. You rock & are grounded on THE ROCK.
