Friday, August 13, 2010

Round 2, Day 24

So today my friend told me I should write a blog.  I am sure we have all heard it before, and most of us agree and actually never get around to actually doing it.  I cannot say I have never thought about it.  Daydreamed what it would be like to be one of those bloggers that all of the sudden become rich and famous and have thousands of fans.  But - when it comes time to actually doing it, it is like all of the other great ideas that pass my way - sewing, scrapbooking, reading tons to my child, eating organic, cooking, etc.  At this point, I have developed a more accurate perception of reality, and I simply smile and nod.

And then my three year-old daughter proceeds to go in the house, grab my car keys, and lock herself in my car.  She is old and wise enough to understand that I am asking her to unlock the doors.  She knows how to unlock the doors. But, she just won't do it.  No matter how many times I use my stern mommy voice.  How many times I count to three out loud and with my fingers.  She continues to smile, laugh, and shake her head.

Now, many of you will laugh.  Talk about how smart or funny my little tyke has become.  Now think about the rest of my day.  A child that does something like this is not exactly an angel the rest of the day.  No, this child has to be held down to have her teeth brushed in the morning.  She tricks all of her friends and their parents to give her cookies and ice cream in the afternoon, resulting in disgusting diarrhea.  After her explosion, she decides to destroy the little makeup I have left in the bathroom, and douse herself in perfume. In the early evening, she refuses to eat, and claims she only likes "chocolate everything."

This is the child that has already received consequences, time out, and a spanking today. This is the child who locks herself in my car.  Oddly, this is not the worst day we have had together.

My husband has been gone for 24 days at this point.  He is out of state, on the second film shoot he has had this summer.  Round 1 had him in state, less than 100 miles away.  He worked many 12-18 hour days though, and was only really around on Sundays.  I thought that was tough.  Actually, I thought that I managed okay, and likewise I would do get through the out of state trip with relative ease.  I did not account for the terrible mold, the multiple viruses I have had, the second degree burn I experienced, the fear of the dark that sends her to my room every night, and the daily defiance.  And it is only day 24.

It is funny.  When I sat down to write this, she was screaming and I was using writing as an opportunity to ignore her temper tantrum.  As I have written, she has slowly calmed down, and is now playing calmly with her toys at my feet.  And it is almost bedtime.



  1. ok so i have to admit i laughed out loud when i read that she locked herself in the car. can you imagine having to call 911 a second time this year for locking your kid in the car?!?!?!? but then i know that if she did that to me i would have pulled my hair out- gotta love that kid but man does she know what buttons to push! hang in there i love you and she most definetly loves you!

  2. Keep writing, girl. If nothing else it does make my woes seem...well comparison. You're a great mommy and have a wonderful daughter. But admittedly, I'm glad she was yours and not mine on this day!
